Club Penguin Fan Universe

I'm not sure where my last post on this topic went, but here's my new one: I've finished that idea I mentioned.

We make posts on controversial (real-world) topics, and everyone posts their position on it. BUT no-one is allowed to argue. If they do, their comment is instantly deleted.



Bob:I believe the world was made by the flying spagetti monster.

Fred:What kind of idiot believes that?!!

<Joe(a sysop) deletes Fred's comment>

Joe:I believe there is no God. I'm an atheist.

Bob:Only idiots are atheists!

<Joe deletes Bob's comment>

Tom:I'm a Jew. I believe in only one God.

See? Although I doubt there would be that much arguing.

So, any reason why not?--NtAnEditor 16:58, December 12, 2009 (UTC)