Club Penguin Fan Universe

0his Story is A Plan to Catch the Evil Str00del Newman. Written By G.

Chapter 1: EPF and PSA- Combined with a Plan[]

Every Knows Newman, He's My worst Enemy. Man, He's Evil. So I Sent a Few Agents (Tip Top Shape Ones) To spy On Him and Record Data on Him. I haven't Seen him in 5 Years, and I need to Know about These Str00dels.

Over The Hills, My 6 EPF Agents Saw His Dome Hideout. With Hi-Tech Security, It wasn't Going to Be Easy. Thank Goodness It wasn't Str00del Force HQ!

My Agents wrote Down that Newman had a Speech to Younger Str00dels. He Said:

"Younglings, I, Your Ruler, Is telling You To Destroy Every PSA and EPF Agent in the World!"

Evil, Pure evil. He wouldn't!

I Needed to tell Director, And what He Said Changed Our lives. He said We'd needed To Recruit 1000 Agents.