Club Penguin Fan Universe
Super Penguins HQ
guess those penguins on the iceburg
No map available.
in constant motion
Vital statistics
Type mobile island
Level 100
Location in constant motion
Inhabitants League of Super Penguins

The Super Penguins HQ is a the official League of Super Penguins HQ.


The LSP actually used to have meetings in Coool's igloo. They started moonlighting and fundrasisg for donations and got enough money for a lair and private mobile island. even the government pitched in: 50 0000 coins they needed 100,000,0 coins


  • The Training Room is used to keep the league trained in simulations.
  • Command room next to surveillance room. (just like P.S.A.'s)
  • surveillance room next of Command room. (just like P.S.A.'s)
  • Cloaker to get disguises and vanish.
  • Medical room to heal penguins.
  • A forest.
    • Elemento has a log cabin in the forest.
  • Solid waste tank
  • Urine fitter (turns urine in to water(cleaner than Hepafilter water)
  • Puffleonium power core
  • holding cell(for holding baddys until we get to land)
  • storage (holds 46 days of food and weapons)
  • cerebral(to find penguins and emergcy shelter)
  • lobby


  • Elemento has a log cabin in the forest near HQ.
  • Elemento planted the entire forest from seedlings from the CP Isle forest. forest Is 100% organic.
  • HQ Building 7 Floors (2 basements in included).




sand penguin


What kind of villain would go to a place filled with superheroes and the tech-guys? Except for spies and anti-heroes.



Here are some Photos of the Hq


at hq[]

time what where
7:00 get up your room
7:30 brekfast mess hall
8:30 3 laps of the hq outside
9:00 stand by anywhere but coools cabin
12:30 lunch mess hall
1:00 stand by anywhere but coools cabin
6:00 supper mess hall
9:00 light's out your room

note:when on standby you can nap but not sleep

on land day 1[]

time what where
7:00 get up your room
7:30 breakfast mess hall
8:30 2 laps of the hq outside
9:00 get supplies pizza parlor and coffee shop
12:30 lunch mess hall
1:00 go to see four families your parents place
6:00 supper your parents place
9:00 light's out your room

on land day 2[]

time what where
7:00 get up your room
7:30 breakfast mess hall
8:00 go to see four families your parents place
6:00 pm supper your parents place
7:00 prepare to get going hq
9:00 we leave hq
9:30 light's out your room