SnellBook is the town library of Snellville. It contains thousands of volumes on the history of the United States of Antarctica and fourteen poetry books written by arctic terns.
The SnellBook library is so large that it has to be organized into a special code, known as the "Eeewy DaSnail System", in which the books are first organized by subject (BA-Modern Art, VC-Biology), then by species (1: Penguin, 2: Puffles, 3: Arctic Terns, 4: RocketSnails, 5: Ghosts (0 volumes so far), 6: Other). It is further divided by the name of the creature who wrote it (Penguin A-Z, Tern A-Z, ect.), then where it was from (Eastshield, South Pole City, ect.), and finally the first five letters of the title, excluding the name of the author and filler words, such as "the". Managed by only two Snell-Libros, the SnellBook Library is one of the most efficient libraries of all time.
SnellBook is so organized that it was rated "best library in Antarctica" by the Penguin Times.
Famous Books[]
Here are some of the more well-known books in the library.
- Aunt Arctic's Guide To Editing-- Aunt Arctic
Code Number "DX-1-A/Arctic-Club Penguin#GUIDE"
- Fifty Pie Recipies For Dummies-- Sir Pie Prodigy
Code Number "HR-1-P/Prodigy-Pengyboo Island#FIFTY"
- Disen Paper Tastad Bombad Nasty!-- Pen Pen Guin
Code Number "ZZ-1-PP/Guin-Frostborough#DISEN"
- The History Of Waffles-- Explorer 767
Code Number "AZ-1-E/Antics-Club Penguin#HISTO"
- Algebra For Classroom Noobs-- Fred 676
Code Number "EZ-1-F/Antics-Club Penguin#ALGEB"
- Fur And Feathers: The History Of The USA-- Mayor McFlapp
Code Number "AA-3-A/McFlappingham-Ternville#FURAN"
- Purple Radical: A
BiasedBiography of Mabel-- The Antics Brothers
Code Number "AM-1,1-E,F/Antics-Club Penguin#PURPL"
- The National Database Of The LiquidFence Scandal-- National Disasters Publications
Code Number "XX-6-NDP-Unknown#NATIO"
- Hi There!: How to Make Friends in Pengolia-- Aunt Arctic
Code Number "HG-7-A/Arctic-Club Penguin#HITHE"