Club Penguin Fan Universe
Club Penguin Fan Universe
Image caption
Vital statistics
Title Everyone
Gender Male
Race Whatever species he wants to be
Faction The Defenders
Health 100%
Level Level 43 Superhero
Status Puffle
Location Unknown

Shape Shifter or Connor Jacques is a shape shifter. He prefers to be a puffle, but turns into other species during combat.


Connor was born into a family with photographic memory. He did well in school, but sometimes forgot things. At age sixteen, his photographic memory emerged. The first thing he memorized was an equation that changed his life. It was a chemistry equation, and he tried it in his basement, and it blew up. When he woke up, he was a puffle.

Connor realized he could shape shift. He could turn into inanimate objects and move during his transformation. Connor became a superhero, and roamed the world.

When the Defenders accidentally encountered him, they invited him to join them. He accepted, and now is an expert in combat.


Shaper Shifter is a master of disguise. He can change how fat he is, how big his eyes are, and how long his hair grows. His current job is a pizza deliverer in Club Penguin.


  • Shape Shifter prefers to be a puffle.

See also[]