Club Penguin Fan Universe

Riya Vonardo
Vital statistics
Title Lava Puffle
Gender Female
Race Lava Puffle
Faction Foamy, Mectrixctic's Army
Health Good
Level Good
Status Being evil, somethign
Location Foamy, Mec, anywhere somethings going wrong.

Riya is a sadisct and evil pfufle that likes Foamy, desipte the fact that they're sort of polar opposites.


At a early age, Riya always was sadisct and evil, she enjoyed watchign people get hurt, she always bullied weaker puffles and hurt the older ones. Years later she thought she needed to spread ehr "evil" and went to find a evil army, she was lookign for Darktan II but found Mec instead, she saw Foamy and instantly liked him. She quickly joined. Thats baiscly all.



  • She is rather sadisct and evil, but tries to shake some of it off to "boost" her chances with Foamy. Foamy was the reason she joined Mectrixctic's army
  • She has a hairdo.
  • She was a black puffle before becomign a lava puffle, so she can ignite into a fireball.
  • Her family is basicly like the von Injofaces, they can talk, live as long as a penguin, Oh My!
  • She tends to get hurt.

See also[]

Mectrixctic's Army

Main Members
MectrixcticLuka WryrenJake GastbySally "Slithers"FoamySquishorFamiliarRoman de KonrinskiPngi3
Other Members
ChristinaRiyaBlood Gutter
Treacherous Trio
Treacherous TrioMaddieworld XWillie WattBellinaXaryShadow the PenguinWishFlyX12yz12ab X3-D DemonNinja Wraith
Darktan's Army
WishFlyX's Army (Jenni, Agent X, Demongone, Sonic Xtreme X) • Herbert HorrorRobo-GaryWitchyPenguinManny PengAkbaboy X
XoraiNightmareFlywishSwiss NinjaFlywish's Army