Vital statistics
Flywish's Cousin
Emporer Penguin
Mwa Mwa Penguins and Darktan's Army
Getting ready to be deleted by Flywish
Somewhere in the Darktonian Realm
Pinkroom13 is a Mwa Mwa Penguin in Flywish's Family and Darktan's Army. She is close to Stoss97 and claims that she is her best cousin. She is also the sister of Lwalwaelmo43 . On February 22nd 2008 she was set to be deleted in November 2010.
Background [ ]
When she was little Flywish always was nice to her. Then she became mean and Flywish would bully her. Kyle also bullied her and Stoss97 played with her. She eventually became a Mwa Mwa Penguin. She quickly joined DTA as a greater minion. Then Flywish said in 2008, "I will delete her with as much as I have!" Then she hid in WishFlyX 's place in the Darktonian Realm.
Involvement [ ]
She wears a princess crown and holds a lolipop.
Trivia [ ]
Radal can beat her up in one second.
Xorai has kicked her before.
Chuck von Injoface despises her with all of his old heart.
Yoshiarta has found her but he left his deletion gun in his friend's igloo
See also [ ]
Leader: Darktan (I , II )/Maledict
The Conclave of Doom: Herbert Horror , WitchyPenguin , Schnunkle Grunk Robo-Gary , Robo-Sthomas , Robo-Sthomas X , MOAR KRABS ,Hypo
Elite Minions: Metal Explorer , Doom Knight , Abyss Knight , High Knights of Darkness , Mectrixctic , Doctor Horror , Nex
The Beastector: Lunar , Cerberus Alpha , Joe Pengzombie , The Beastector
Greater Minions: Xary , Dark Archon , Craáin Sensei , Hi-Jacker-Jack , Dark , Coool41 , Maddieworld X , WishFlyX , FieryXold , Jenni , Agent X ,12yz12ab X , Pinkroom13 , Goof E. , Sonic Xtreme X , Trickster X , Pigma55 , PorkayYorkay X , Xasper , Peng Waqas ,Sthomas ,Mart456t .
Minions: Sludge Flinger , Painful Bear , Dark Templar , Dark Falcoz , Magma Puffle , Toro-25 , Metal Max1537 , Susan von Injoface II ,Ferb90210 , Shadow the Penguin , Willie Watt , Bellina , Darklina , Mah Boi , Wishfly , Akbaboy X , Zaplock , Shuckle X , Samis X , Xillybob , Doom Chef , Sunglasses Penguin , Johnny Rocket Flippers , Enemy E.vil
Lesser Minions: Manny Peng , MicroChip , Flame Knights , Mischief Makers , Windy , Grumble Fish , Icarus , Lava Puffle , Dragon Knights , Headcrab , Evil Pengy , Puffolian , Isakui , Stoss97 , Douglas Thump
Allies: ACP , LEEPB , Fords , Pinkcoolcat II , Robotic Rabbits O' Evil , Mwa Mwa Penguins , Petguins , The Robbers , Demon Penguins , Mectrixctic's Army , The Treacherous Trio , Hawtliss , WishFlyX's Army , Mwa Mwa Puffles , Ollimaunt , STINC , Mr Cow2 , Penguin Stewart , Peng Dan , BriPenguin , Penguin Andrew , MarcPeng , Peng Matt
Traitors: Stealth , Radclaw1 , Xellina , Zone , Kill , Degeneration X , Blary , Pngi3
Items: Doom Weed , Ditto , Aether Amulet , Pet Shop , Numberry Powder , H.O.R.R.O.R. , Dark sword of your doom