Monocles is the third movie produced by Flamboir Studios. A bunch of Rich penguins buy Mart's house. This was the last movie Mr. Flamboir made before he died. The rehearsal is on September 30, 2013
people in credits (alive and DEAD)[]
Director:The Real Sthomas (wasn't really the director. He set up the camera, noticed how fat he was, went to the gym, came back 3 hours later, and realised that the movie was over)
Mr Cow2:Mr Cow2
User:NLG343 or Mcdonalds394: Nemo
Emmity (penguin): Herself
Calaflagust the fourth as Devin203040506070puffle00XD
Mr Blue's clones:Richie Penguins
Mr. Blue:Mr. Richie.
Music:K-3 robot
When a bunch of rich penguins buy Mart's house, can his friends bail him out or will he have to move FOREVER?
To be written when Spanish Strikes Back! is done