Marmoth Jeex is the owner of Jacky and main genius in Mart456t's army. He has built just about every single robot in existence (besides Gary's).
Leaders: Mart456t, Mart X, (oh PLEASE someone kick him off!) Flash, Sthomas, Mcdonalds394, Director Blenny
Calaflagust's: Lord Calaflagust,Calaflagust the second,Calaflagust the third, Calaflagust the fourth,Calaflagust the fifth,Calaflagust the sixth,Calaflagust the seventh,Calaflagust the eighth,Calaflagust the ninth,Calaflagust the tenth,Calaflagust the eleventh,Calaflagust the twelfth
Minions Schnunkle grunk
Peng Army Peng Andrew, Pengdro, MarcPeng, Pengkhanh, Peng Matt, PengKyle, Ben Pengobi, WesPeng, Pengucker, Peng Waqas, Peng Stewart, Peng Dan, BriPeng.
Wizards: [Litto]], The Fates, Picwizard, Emmity (penguin), Devin203040506070puffle00XD (hypnotized by his sister because his sister joined, no wonder he hypnotized His dragon, Emmity.)
Medics: Lava spirits,Profasser Marando,Dr. Id Ee Ut
Dragons: Fluff,DARDRAG,Lavao (hypnotized),Darkano (hypnotized),Leezard (hypnotized),Emmity (hypnotized)
Geniuses: Marmoth (with Jacky), Peng Waqas, Proofasser Marando, Gary the Gadget Guy, Teddy von Tachonacho (hypnotized)