Club Penguin Fan Universe

Marlia is a Pegniun. She is Hefhur's assistant.


In her Adaptability Forme, she is light blue and appears to be wearing the Purple Figure Skating Dress, the Cherry Pumps, the Glimmer, and the Trusty Spear.

In her True Forme, she is light blue, has yellow scelra, wears a pink t-shirt, and is holding a Magic Spear. The lower half of her body is black and she has a ghost tail with a purple tip. She has green crystals floating around her.


Marlia has adaptability powers that are unmatched by anything except an older Pegniun. She can telepathically control the green crystals that float around her body to do things such as use nthem as projectiles. Her Magic Spear gives her magical abilities, but these can also be matched by an older Pegniun.


She eats Penguins.

She was created with help from Levin RATH's sister.

She does not know of the rivalry between Hefhur and Gidsuvi, and she doesn't even know who Gidsuvi is.

Marlia's name sounding similar to the diesease Malaria was not intended.