Josh MC MENTAL | |
Vital statistics | |
Title | MC MENTAL |
Gender | |
Race | High Penguin |
Faction | |
Health | |
Level | |
Status | |
Location | Ross Island |
Occupation | Who Knows? |
Salary Who Knows? | |
Nationality English | |
Hobbies Who Knows? | |
Interests | Who Knows? |
Strengths {{{strengths}}} | |
Weaknesses Who Knows? | |
Powers Who Knows? | |
Skills/abilities Who Knows? | |
Mother Who Knows? | |
Father Who Knows? | |
Friends | |
Enemies | |
Archetype | |
Not much is known about MC MENTAL. His real name is Josh, And he is an internet rapper that gained popularity by his song MC MENTAL at his Best. He says random nonsense within the lyrics. All we know about MCMENTAL, is that he is a High Penguin, Raps extremely quick, Lives somewhere in Ross Island, And occasionally visits the Dance Disco in Club Penguin Island.