LidVid Restaurant, or proper form Lightening Vision Restaurant, is the second restaurant in V2V Hotel, and is limited to guests only. Unlike it's competitor, V2V Restaurant, it is located at the hearts of the second building. It is quite luxuirious and spacious as it's competitor.
Formerly there were two restaurants in V2V Hotel. They competed against V2V Restaurant when the two restaurants were founded. Well... when the second building of the hotel opened, they included two more restaurants: V2V Cafe and Hotel Restaurant. In total there became five restaurants in the hotel. To gain more profits, they later merged the restaurants and it became Lightening Vision Restaurant.
Lightening Vision Restaurant, which was supposed to be named "Lightning Vision Restaurant", had 210 seats back then. It's carepting was made of wood. Buissness was poor for the restaurant, until advertisments popped up and penguins started eating there.