KewelWalrus is a hacker in the Walrus Crime Ring that is considered to be the 'coolest of the henchmen'. He wears a red cap and a golden medallion, the typical sign of 'being cool'. Unlike other walruses, he traveled to Antarctica by boat . KewelWalrus has a very low profile, therefore, he is not 'famous' nor 'popular'.
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Mighty Tusk King: Walrus (character)
Elite Squad: Walrus1 , Walrus2 , Walrus3 , Nuke Walrus , Mister Walrus , WalrusDidKhanzem , WALRI , SuperNinjaWalrus
Parents: Big Momma Walrus , Big Daddy Walrus
Officers: Sanitypenguinreturns , Karpolo McWalrus , Walrus9000 , Walrus8 , Walrus McManager , KhanzemWasFunny , SuperWalrus , WalrusWhoEnjoysDetergent , IMA FIRIN A WALRUS , YourAverageWalrusN00b , StrangeTroll-likeName
Support Staff: Herman Munster (Medic), Walrus12 (Dentist), WalruswhowentROFLCOPTER (Pilot), Roflolandcheese (Cafeteria Worker), HappyWalrus (Chief Torturer), Ha123456789 (Bomber), Asterisk Walrus (spammer), Hall Мoderαтor (Hall Monitor)
Henchmen: WalrusMinion , WalrusBack , WalrusWhoFindsMoneyInOddPlaces , THAT'S MY CAR , YoungWalrus , OldManWalrus , KewelWalrus
BANISHED: TheWalrusWasPaul , Walrus101 , Exile1 , Tony Tushks , Sk8itbot , Gatah teh Walrus , WalrusSeal , WalrusWithAnOverlyLongTitleThatNeverEnds , WhereIsWalrus , MimeTheWalrus , Iron Walrus , Shadow Walrus , Walrus4
Allies: Leopard Seals
Neutral Walri :Walrus8 , Walrus9000 , WillTrollForBooty , Walrus of Jonas , WALRUS WITH BIG LETTERS , FlubberButt
Items and Locations: Spam Bombs , Walrus Warehouse , CONVERT TO WALRISM , It's Snowing Anthrax , Walrus Radio , EXPECT SEALS , EXPECTSEALS Ditto Nuke , Old Abandoned Telenacle , F0()rTh W@lL.exe , Walrus 'R' Us
Allies: The Electrotails , Electrotail SupperEmo
Wanabees and Rivals: Raptor Crime Ring , Annon Hackers Team , Walrus Resistance , Ghoat Crime Ring , Polar Bear Resistance Ring