Club Penguin Fan Universe
Club Penguin Fan Universe

This thing is actually something of nightmares. It is said to be the size of a nine-year old penguin, That is living in rivers and lakes in Japaland, These creatures resemble turtles combined with the mix of a penguin. With short stubby legs, It could swim and has a small hole on it's head with small hairs on, But inside that hole is magical water. It is said to strangely LOVE cucumbers and that it will attack anyone. The first mention of the Kappa was in an ancient scroll in 720 AD. The scroll had drawings of many Kappas of how they are standing up and walking on all fours. The stories say that in many stories that they are mischievous, But these hide the terrible truth. They are known to kill Puffles, Drown any Chicks near the water and kill any individual penguin.


It is said that the only way to defeat a Kappa, Is said to empty it's hole with water, And if one challenged to go sumo wrestling, The individual can try to empty it's head plate and will die. Still today, Signs warning that Kappas are still living can be found in a river, swamp or pond, And even in nature trails alongside the watery areas. The signs usually say this:


This is a modern Artist rendering showing how dangerous Kappas are as shown here, As a lone penguin is getting teared appart by a group of Kappa's eating his organs, Arms and head, As they tear appart his otherW body parts!