Club Penguin Fan Universe

Hershee Chocolate
Hershee's MILK CHOCOLATE!!! Knocks snowzerland's shoes off!!'
Vital statistics
Name Hershee Chocolate
Type Chocolate Manufacturing Company
Location USA
Head Ben Hun
Job Making Chocolate/beating Snowzerland at EVERYTHING!!!
Members Chocolate Makers

Hershee Chocolate' formaly known as Chocolate That Is Not From Snowzerland is the largest chocolate manufacturer of High Quality chocolate in the USA. Originaly owned by a small group of penguins the company was later bought by Ben Hun and turned into a massive multi-billion dollar corperation.


Hershee's Chocolate was originaly founded by three penguins with a dream to make the USA the chocolate capital of the world, not Snowzerland. Unfortunetly they soon ran out of money an had hardly and products until Ben Hun came along. Ben Hun saw Hershee's as an opprotunity waiting to happen. He had to shared the dream of outdoing Snowzerland in the chocolate making bussiness. And Ben Hun purchased the company and hired the former owners to help him head the company. It seemed like just over night bussiness was booming! and in the short period of one year they had become a multi billion dollar corperation.


Hershee's Chocolate has sense its purchase by Ben Hun has become a sucess in the chocolate manufacturing world. Being shipped to many countrys across Antartica (Oddly enough including Snowzerland) Hershee's Chocolate is enjoyed by everyone from the common penguin to the Sweet Tooth Seal.

Shiping Locations[]

Hershe's Chocolate being injoyed by many is shiped to various other countrys besides the USA.

  • HunEmpire one of the first locations ever shiped to.
  • West Pengolia Hershee's is a national favourite in West Pengolia for two reasons: for One the Khanz admire how Hershee's hates Snowzerland and seeing as Snowzerland chocolate is banned there its one of there only sources of chocolatey delight.
  • East Pengolia Yup the other half of Pengolia as well!
  • FG - Ben Hun is the head so Akbaboy agreed with him to put 3 factories there. It's very popular there.


  • MajorSweetDonald

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  • Hershee Chocolate Bar
  • Hershee Hugs
  • Snowy Bar


  • They used to buy their cocoa beans from Snowzerland but ever since their supply of cocoa beans exploded and landed all over HunEmpire, West Pengolia, East Pengolia, FG, and SPC in GSWIII, they didn't have to buy from them.
  • It is, of course, a parody of Hershey's Chocolate.
  • 12yz12ab HATES their chocolate. He likes Snowzerland chocolate better.
    • And so does Ponyo Penguin, who is guilty of trying to poison Hershee Chocolate once or twice.