The happy go go sign near their factory
Happy Go Go Company is a company that makes great things but secretly has illegal items in them like Fat Weeds
- FF chips
- Ab-Pack super energy drink
- Fatty Cake
- Stuff Yer Face Restraunt
- Snowshoes 2.x
- Leechball Gun*
- Pumpain Pie
- Gas Powered Stick* (Even Peng Waqas gets bored!)
- Chuckola Cola
(All products marked with a * was invented by Peng Waqas)
"Feeling stressed? Get the great stuff at the happy go go items today!"
Random Info[]
- The boss of the Happy Go Go Company is so far unfound and is unknown.
- So far nobody knows the company has illegal stuff in it and penguins say the side-effects of they stuff are just random,the workers say this too to avoid lawsuit.
- Peng Waqas doesn't work there but they sell some of his inventions. Like the BACON BITS SMG