Club Penguin Fan Universe
Great Penguinnian Empire Flag

The beautiful flag of this glorious empire

Great Penguinnian Empire Map

The Map of Penguinnia

The Great Penguinnian Empire is an empire that was created by NoobGamr, who brought lots of human friends with him, lots of cat friends with him, lots of dog friends with him and finally lots of primate friends with him to help the penguins recover from their old ruthless fascist totalitarianist authoritarianist and ultranationalist pure evil dictator: SATAN CLAUS!!!!! (Santa Claus's evil twin brother who has been banished to the South Pole for his pure evil deeds and sociopathy). This is how the story starts: Satan Claus has been seeking REVENGE on Santa for banishing him, and foor just being pure evil. So, he commanded a great and powerful army of all penguins across the globe. from Antarctica (Or as it was from medieval times to 1919 the Antarctic Kingdom) to New Zealand, from Chile to even zoos in every country across the globe, to work for him as SLAVES!!!!!!!!!!!! He would then take all of the penguins that were against him or did the opposite of what he said, they would be executed in harsh concentration camps worse than the Gulags that came in the USSR after the Russian Revolution of 1917. He then went to conquer all of the nations of the world, continuing WW1 instead of being 1914-1918 it would be from 1914-1928, all thanks to him. After that, the Antarctic Imperium collapsed leaving nothing but remains of it's terror. From 1928-2024 the penguins were living on a giant iceburg, with a few remaining in other places on the Earth (i.e. Chile and New Zealand) and even though the penguins regretted all of their actions that they didn't plan to commit, because of the EVIL Satan Claus, who was crucified upside-down and then burnt, they apologised to the people and animals of the world, and they forgave them, because of their cutness. They even got their own game in 2005 called Club Penguin, which was shut down by Disney, and then Club Penguin Rewritten, also being shut down by Disney. Soon, in mid-to-late 2024, NoobGamr came with his human and animal friends to Antarctica, just to find the penguins, depressed and poor, after all of the atrocities Disney has done to them, and of course, Satan Claus's atrocities, so, he decided to help them recover, and then later become an empire with the ost adanced technology, (MORE advanced then Japan!) like: Incubators and air conditioners that can not melt snow or frost or even ice, but can keep you warm or cold if it's too hot, cars that have smoothie makers (Again, if you want too, you make it cold or hot) with roofes that open or close and tire that run on ice and frost and snow and finally, have roof windows, etc. The penguins ADORE their new emperor, who's better than Satan Claus, obviously, and they have a bunch of provinces from different parts of Antarctica, and other parts of the world, like Canada, Argentina, A small part of Australia and even the ENTIRE North Pole, just to name a few, all from penguins being there. It has good relations with countres like Russia and India, but it also has BAD relations with countries such as: China, Somalia etc. (But, there is more allies then enemies!) Everything was perfect and they even had a constitution! Until the fateful day that Sheldon J. Plankton created a brutal totalitarianist dictatorship called Planktopia, conquering half of the worlds' ocean, with the other half being conquered by Eugene H. Krabs making the Ultranationalist Republic of Crabstan, and the armadillos making the fascist kingdom of Armadilloland by conquering Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Equador, and the rest of the Central and South American Countries. All of this would lead to some tensions, between all 4 of the countries and the rest of the world, which would lead to WORLD WAR 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More Coming soon on future articles relating to the history of Penguinnia, the Provinces and Territories of Penguinnia, WW3 and more!!!!!