Club Penguin Fan Universe
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Geneva Coat of Arms
The Coat of Arms.
Country Snowzerland
Monuments Gigantic statue of Royal XVI, Snowzerland Gov. Building, Calvinisme Telenacle
Headquarters Snowzerland Government Building
Neighbourhoods Political District, Lakeside District, Market District.
Mayor Robert Percy, Duke of Geneva
- rank by 2009:
Inhabited species Penguins, Puffles
General information
Native name Genève
Foreign name Geneva, Genf
Demonym Genevian
- founder Royal XVI
Time zone
- summer
Area codes 576

Geneva is the capital city of Snowzerland. The Snowzerland Council resides here in their HQ. Geneva is the third largest city in Snowzerland. King of cp doesn't reside here nor does the royal family but sometimes they come here for important events. Geneva has no mayor but there is the Duke of Geneva. The current Duke of Geneva is Roberte Pierre, a Freezelandian who helped Royal XVI find Snowzerland.


Royal XVI found this city with pride soon after he formed the city of Zurich. The City of Geneva was made with a French look, unlike the German look of Zurich and Saint Moritz. The City was first planned to be a regular city of peace, but after the original capital of Bern fell into the hands of the Happyface State, Geneva was elected as the new capital city. Then, the Snowzerland Government Building was built, and Geneva had caught the attention of all of the Snowzerland politicians. Many of them moved to Geneva to get involved in Government. Today, Geneva is home to the Snowzerland Council, and other political occurances. Geneva Doesn't have any public airports, but they do have a Military Base used to secretly fly King of cp and other important penguins in and out of Snowzerland.

Places of Interest[]

Snowzerland Capitol Buidling

  • The Snowzerland Capitol Building - Where the nation is governed! It is also home to the Parliament.
  • Gigantic Statue of Royal XVI - um.... It's big?
  • Geneva Markets - The Markets of Geneva have lots to buy, see, and smell. The Markets sell exotic foods, and there are family-owned restauraunts that cook French Styled Meals.
  • La Calvinisme Telenacle - a Telenacle formed by Jean Chaudron, a Reformer who dispises the POPE. He made his own branch of Telenacleship.


See Also[]