Flamboir Studios is an extremely successful movie company founded by Roger Flamboir (Mart's grandfather and Clovesdell's father) in 2003. The company's ownership is being passed on by death so far, but let's hjust pray Mart and Mr Cow2 don't die. Due to the fact that in 2003-2013 every penguin who worked there was buying stuff for future movies/Flamboir Studios HQ, they didn't start making movies until mid 2013. They have been sponsored by Pelzalabeern's pizza since 2005, which have made all there progress possible.
- Under the Grave
- Spanish Strikes Back!
- Mononcles
- Attack of the Mutant Penguins
- The Return of Emmity
- The Punches of Death
- Peng Invaders
- A Puffle a Pumpkin
- Body Rebellion
- Meat me!
- Not Your Typical Ninja
- Santa Paws is Comin'!
- Penguin-monium!
- Card-Jitsu Emmity
- Muscle Mart Mayhem
- Professor Cow2
- Fluff to the Offence
- Marando Madness
- Attack of the Killer Penguins
- Trouble in Hollywood
- The next dimension
- Two More Turkeys
- The Revenge of WitchyPenguin
- Mr. Flamboir
- Mart456t
- The Real Sthomas
- Mart456t
- Calaflagust the fourth
- Emmity (penguin)
- Jacky
- Mart X
- Mr Cow2
- Mr. Blue and his clones
- K-3 robot
- Schnunkle grunk
- Don Cherry
- Mex
- Cadence
- Greeny89865
- ABC123
- Peng Andrew
- Pengdro
- MarcPeng
- Pengkhanh
- Peng Matt
- PengKyle
- Ben Pengobi
- WesPeng
- Pengucker
- Peng Corey
- Peng Brian
- Peng JK
- Pengagar
- PengHang
- JoshPeng
- Peng James
- PengEric
- PengOmar
- Pthomas
- Sthomas
- PengAddison
- Peng Luke
- Peng Waqas
- Peng Sean
- PengMicheal
- Peng Stewart
- Peng Dan
- BriPeng
- Pengkirby
- Peng Jorge
- Fake Peng Fighters
More Coming Soon
K-3 robot seems to have provided us with many music files from his hard drive... one in the credits of Under the Grave being Houndini, a song good for a death battle movie. An example may be played here
- A song called "Me and my Drum" plays in multiple battle scenes of multiple movies. an example of this song is Here