Club Penguin Fan Universe
DJ_MuTeD Creator of Freepenguin
Vital statistics
Title Creator of Freepenguin
Gender Male
Race Penguin
Faction CPPS
Level 12
Status Currently Lazy
Location Freepenguin
Occupation Watching MLG Videos and Playing CS:GO
Catchphrase Soon
Friends Craggy, Finn, Jake, Joey, Skipper
Enemies Marvin, Kikiky3, queen, lady Sakura

DJ_MuTeD is a CPPS creator, he has created many CPPS'S over the years, his most recent is Freepenguin which has made a brilliant return!

He has been working on CPPS's for years, he decided to bring back Freepenguin as it closed in January of 2015, he decided to bring it back new and improved, unlike his other CPPS UPV4 this CPPS's is going to get a whole bunch of new features!


DJ has been making CPPS's for years, he made the Ulitmate Penguin series which started in 2010, he has made Tizen and Freepenguin, he has been doing this for years now and he did take a break and made something different but then he came back and continued with CPPS's. He also made ICPSA which you can see here. [1]