Club Penguin Fan Universe

Hmm... I was just wondering whether I could make a scavenger hunt on a subpage of my user page, like Sharkbate and TS did on the CPW. Am I allowed to do that, or does the User Policy and common sense disallow it? It's not like I'm going to make the scavenger hunt a more important priority than mainspace editing, of course. Knowing myself, I might not even finish it at all. Yours "Falsely", Explorer 767 (The Nerd Quibbles On...) View this template 21:18, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Will anyone respond to this? Yours "Falsely", Explorer 767 (The Nerd Quibbles On...) View this template 19:36, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

User blog ammendments[]

  1. Every post must be related to the wiki or announcements. This is NOT a twitter feed for you becoming a member, etc.
  2. No Club Penguin blogs, e.g.; one about CP news are not allowed.

-- Zapwire Δ The dark side of the moon   19:22, 9 July 2009 (UTC) I Wrote a blog post about not able to talk about club penguin news. Why? It is NOT offencive. --Freecie1 15:30, September 5, 2009 (UTC) User:Freecie1 We need Free, see?