Club Penguin Fan Universe

Clovis Hochstadt
A Jester!
Vital statistics
Title Clovis Hochstadt, Clovis the Jester
Gender Male
Race High Penguin
Faction Funny
Health Hillariously Good
Level 777
Status Comedy Related.
Location Lives in the Royal Palace in Frostize, Viking Empire, but also travels around the Antarctic a lot.
Occupation Jester
Interests Pranks, Humor, Comedy, Acting, Juggling.
Friends Hochstadt Gang
Enemies Swiss Ninja
Archetype Good Guy

Clovis Hochstadt is Swiss Ninja's Youngest Brother who is a Jester.


Clovis was born in Switzerland like the rest of his brothers and sisters, and he was born also with a great sense of Humor. Clovis was trained to be a jester, and became the Royal Jester of the King of the Lorraine River Region, but later he became the royal Jester for King Charles Olave of the Viking Empire. Not only does he entertain him, he also is his right hand man. Now, the Jester likes to travel the Antarctic (upon the King's Approval) and entertain others. He even likes to go on adventures with the Hochstadt Gang. Clovis' involvement in the Hochstadt has been noted several times. One of his first major roles was helping Jock, Fisch, and Corai protect Sensei in the GSWII. Clovis was also was the first penguin to step foot onto the planet of mars, but was beaten by Austin Devecter when it came to planting the flag into the martian ground. For the most part, Clovis' main role in the Hochstadt Gang is cooking thier food and entertaining them. Clovis also continues to entertain others when he can.


Clovis is a well known entertainer who has entertained several famous penguins. He also is a loyal member of the Hochstadt Gang, as he is their official cook as well. His big moment came in The Race to Mars, when he was the first Penguin to step onto Mars.


  • When Asked about Swiss Ninja: "My older brother seems like he is perfect, but I must say that he will never enjoy life as i do."
  • "There Once was a penguin from Peru, who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He woke up in the middle of the night with a fright to see that his dream had come true!"
  • From The Quest for Yilk after destroying a bunch of War Bots: "It isn't nice to leave me back at Frostize, you know! Yilk is my grandfather, too!"


  • In his spare time, he practices his fighting skills....which he really should work on.
  • Clovis is somewhat N00bish, he thinks that Explorer is a Jester Just like Himself.
  • Clovis sometimes lacks Common Sense.
  • Clovis can cook food pretty well, too.
  • Clovis is also known for being annoying when he's telling jokes at the wrong time.
  • This is his theme song:


See Also[]
