The Cherubhim (KE-roo-BIM), or Chelbim (KEL-BEAM) is a creature in the legends of Experimental Penguin folklore. Well let's just say that the Experimental Penguins had tales of fearsome beasts and monsters, And the Cherubhim is no exception. They range from 2 to 3 feet 78 to even 110 pounds and some Cherubhims have wings and short claws and a point at the end of it's tail. At more sightings occur in the islands of Liguria were English experimental penguins living their but now Ligurian Penguins live their, Where they say that this beast lives in the region of Lumberdy. The Cherubhim can fly at 10 feet in the air, And strangely eats grass and eats meat and is supposed to have lightning powers. It even has it's own Powered/Upgraded Form.
- It is sometimes described with wings on either it's back or head.
- It is based on the cryptid, Sigbin.