The Bunyip is one horrifying creature from the Aboriginal Penguins of Calada. Similar to the Lizard-Cat, These monsters dwell in rivers, billabongs, ponds, swamps and lakes. There are many descriptions of the creature, But most commonly it is described as a mix of a bear, a seal, But most notably, A crocodile. Paleontologists say that it is actually a hybrid of a prehistoric crocodile named a Deinosuchus and a prehistoric Odd-Toed Ungulate, The Ancylotherium.
The legends state that this creature is an omen of death but is more like an average river beast. It will hide in the watery areas, Mostly swamps, and will drag any penguin if it goes to far into the water. They tear into their flesh with their canine teeth and at times, crushing the bones. The stories date back to 1,000 years ago when aboriginal tribes settled and if their village was constructed near a river, They will be aware of the creature. Even cave paintings were found in caves and drawn by the Aboriginal Tribes. This is the most famous one.
But sightings are still active and they have many variations including a mix of a croc and an eagle, a tusked carnivorous mammal and others including one of a mix of kelp, algae and aquatic plants but the head of a Venus Fly-Trap, now forward with a very big eye.