Club Penguin Fan Universe

Bonjie Unki is Corai's Mother, and Swiss Ninja's Aunt.

Early Life[]

Bonjie was born to Yilk, with her brother, Red River 2. Unlike her brother, bonjie didnt like action or politics. She eventully took up a job of Pet Shop assistant. She adored this job, depsite the Mwa Mwa Penguins. She became friends with the puffles and Mwa Mwa Penguins. This shows shes a Goodie-Two-Shoes.

Later Life[]

Bonjie eventully met Eorai and they fell in love. They lived together for 10 years, and they had four chicks. But one of the eggs got stolen and sent to a island. Forai, Geysazan, and Norai lived hapoily with Eorai and Bonjie. Eorai died soon after there 5th birthday of unkown causes.


See also[]