Club Penguin Fan Universe

This article is about a character, Archduke Jsudsu9988. If you meant the user, please go here. Sorry for any confusion.
Jsudsu9988 (searching my royal last name in my past)
This is the most recent picture of Archduke Jsudsu9988!
Vital statistics
Title Archduke Jsudsu9988
Gender Male
Race Emperor Penguin
Faction Archduke of Zurich, Professional Ninja/ Shogun/ Samurai
Health Mild
Level Archduke of Snowzerland
Status Alive, Training & Mastering
Location RANDOMLY, but usually in Chateau Jsudsu, Geneva, Snowzerland
Occupation Archduke
Friends Swiss Ninja, Fisch (ironically), Hochstadt Gang
Archetype Good Guy

Archduke Jsudsu9988 (searching my royal last name in my past) is a unknown race of the penguins.

Archduke Jsudsu9988 (searching my royal last name in my past)
Archduke of the Snowzerland
CoronationWhen my father has deceased
Full nameArchduke Jsudsu9988 (searching my royal last name in my past)
English"Prefer not to state"
TitlesEmperor Swiss Ninja
BirthplaceClub Penguin
PredecessorMy father
OffspringNot yet
DynastyUnknown Dynasty


His heritage wasn't from Antarctica. His father had migrated here, from Tierra del Fuego, when he and his wife joined the Yilk Dynasty and kingdom. Jsudsu9988's father was very poor, for they were starting to adapt to Antarctica. His father meet Red River 2, who offered kindness to Jsudsu9988's father, right before he past away. Jsudsu9988's mother, however, was expecting a child when they migrated to Antarctica. While conceiving the egg, she past because of the high stress. When I hatched, my father was already very old, and past also. I was on my own. Red River 2, however, raised me through infantry. He was very noble and kind.

Jsudsu9988 grew up with Red River 2's son, Swiss Ninja. I realized that I was changing to adulthood, and became wiser, stronger than I imagined! Bolder, nobler everyday, I got educated very strictly and stayed adopted by Red River 2. While Swiss Ninja was the rightful successor, I became an Arch Duke, stated by Swiss Ninja himself!


Also being a Rollback, Jsudsu excells in the fields that SN fails in, like running businesses.


  • Besides being a powerful Snoss Official, Jsudsu agrees with most Penguins that Swiss Ninja takes conquering a bit too far.


  • After seeing SN stressed out:"I'll help you."
  • at the council meeting:"Swiss Ninja is a Great Ruler! He has brought our country to it's peak!"

See Also[]