Club Penguin Fan Universe

Subtitle: River-Dwelling Cryptid

This cryptid is the river monster of Auzua Mostafique that it is linked to the Experimental Penguin tribes who originally lived their. The strange thing about this creature is that it is it has no back flippers but front flippers with a long tail with a leaf-shade shape on the tip of the tail. It is said that it that it's skin is light yellow color mix with a grey color but mostly it is describe with greenish skin that can camouflage in the seaweed and kelp. It is a fish eater but it has similar traits to a seal and a lizard. It lives in the rocks and seaweeds in the river of Auzua Mostafique and it is usually shy but at times it will attack other animals and even penguins.


At only 10 meters long, This serpentine mammal has whiskers, Canines and other features to a dog. It will even eat at times rocks to digest it's food system and one sighting said that it was even eating sea grass. Sightings still occur and if you see a large greyish bump, Don't approach it. This creature was found and adopted by Queen Amelia, After she heard that it had an injury on its flipper, Chewed off, But soon her brother, King Akuma hypnotized Altie and he is now under Akuma's control. but not for long...